We've had a busy couple of weeks. Seems like our break in half term was a LONG time ago! But in tonight and enjoying some time just to chill. Last weekend we had Ben's parents to stay and we discovered Cannon Hall Farm which was just brilliant. It was pretty cheap to get into, free for Callum and had lots to look at and do, including the biggest and best playground I think I've seen. Needless to say we spent a lot of time there! Unfortunately Callum got scared by some rather loud sheep, and was then rather wary of the other big animals, but we did get to see brand new baby rabbits and guinea pigs, as well as piglets, lambs, albino wallabies, lots of birds and the other usual suspects on a farm at this time of year. Their cafe was also rather good, lots of home-grown food and not bad prices. They also had a farm shop and deli which we couldn't resist and have just eaten a game pie which the in-laws bought for us. I wasn't too sure about it at first - it tasted nice, just tried not to think about the contents too much! Don't think I'll be having another one anytime soon.

Yesterday we looked after our god-daughter and C's best friend Sophie who is lovely. She and Callum get on like a house on fire, except when they're fighting, but they're quickly friends again. We went to see more farm animals - what else there to do with a toddler!?!?!?
Today Ben went to lead a morning quiet retreat for some churches in the Peaks whilst I toddled off to brunch with our church community. This afternoon we decided to take a rather last minute dash to Meadowhall and timed it COMPLETLEY wrong and ended up getting stuck in match traffic as everyone was pouring out of the stadium. In the end we didn't make it to MH but ended up just doing a loop back round to our house, which probably wasn't any further than a couple of miles in all but took half an hour. Hilarious waste of time and fuel/the environment etc. Never mind. Took a stroll to the 'geeseyducks' in the park instead and ended up playing silly running games with C and I took a few goes on the slide. I love pretending to be a kid again, it's a lot of fun. Felt like a bit of a release from all the craziness of recent weeks.
And so, looking forward to tomorrow, a day of total freedom, nothing planned, noone I need to see, a day to do with what we please. Fabulous :)