
super boy traveller

well i am thoroughly amazed at my boy's ability to go with the flow. we've just spent the week in Seattle and he really coped very well. he was great on the flight there and back, sleeping lots of the time and then although a bit disorientated and obviously tired whilst we were there he did brilliantly.

now we got back on tuesday and drove back up to Sheffield yesterday and he's almost just slotted right back into his routine, except for waking up at 12.30am this morning and struggling to get him back to sleep. He's been really good today though and he rolled from his back to his side for the first time, clever boy :)

here's a picture of the 3 of us in an amazing burger place on the seattle waterfront. yummy!

someone told me jet lag was worse coming from the US to the UK but so far it hasn't hit and i actually feel pretty good. i guess i'll just wait and see what tomorrow brings!

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