
good friends

Having been away for a few days it was really nice to come back to see lots of different people over the weekend. We spent Saturday evening with Andrew, Jo, Susannah and Noah and had a very nice aubergine and lentil curry. Then we went to Morning Gathering on Sunday morning where we were able to catch-up with lots of people we hadn't seen in ages (since we're not normally there), then out for a quick drink with a few of them, followed by a yummy Sunday lunch with Dave and Miriam. Sunday evening was spent catching up with old friends from where I grew up, Rachel and Paul, who were on their way back from a frisbee tournament in York!

Looking forward to more family time at my parent's house with Emma and Stu this weekend as well, preceeded by the usually brilliant Holy Week Meditations at church this week. I love these short services - a nice mixture of tradition and newer creative stuff; takes me back to my routes yet helps me engage in new ways too.

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